computer printout - translation to russian
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computer printout - translation to russian

Microcomputer Printout; Printout (magazine)

computer printout      
распечатка данных на выходе ЭВМ
  • Sir William Thomson]]'s third tide-predicting machine design, 1879–81
  • 算盘}}). The number represented on this [[abacus]] is 6,302,715,408.
  • alt=Two women are seen by the Colossus computer.
  • Video demonstrating the standard components of a "slimline" computer
  • [[Cray]] designed many supercomputers that used multiprocessing heavily.
  • Babbage's]] [[Difference engine]]
  • [[ENIAC]] was the first electronic, Turing-complete device, and performed ballistics trajectory calculations for the [[United States Army]].
  • The actual first computer bug, a moth found trapped on a relay of the [[Harvard Mark II]] computer
  • A 1970s [[punched card]] containing one line from a [[Fortran]] program. The card reads: "Z(1) = Y + W(1)" and is labeled "PROJ039" for identification purposes.
  • [[Hard disk drive]]s are common storage devices used with computers.
  • routes]] on the Internet
  • gate]] (G), body (B), source (S) and drain (D) terminals. The gate is separated from the body by an insulating layer (pink).
  • memory cells]]).
  • Diagram showing how a particular [[MIPS architecture]] instruction would be decoded by the control system
  • The [[Antikythera mechanism]], dating back to [[ancient Greece]] circa 150&ndash;100 BC, is an early [[analog computing]] device.
  • The [[Ishango bone]], a [[bone tool]] dating back to [[prehistoric Africa]]
  • Museum of Science and Industry]] in Manchester, England
  • A section of the reconstructed [[Manchester Baby]], the first electronic [[stored-program computer]]
  • A [[slide rule]]
  • [[Bipolar junction transistor]] (BJT)
  • alt=A human computer.
  • Z3]], the first fully automatic, digital (electromechanical) computer
Computer system; General purpose computer; Digital computer; Computers; Computor; Computing device; Electronic computers; Computer Systems; Electronic computer; Computar; Digital computers; Electronic computing; Discrete computer; Computer systems; Computer System; Copmuter; Digital computing; General-purpose computer; General Purpose Computer; Kinds of computers; COMPUTER; Camputer; Computing Machines; Computing machines; Computing machine; Uses of computer; Second-generation of computers; The computer; Second generation of computers; Cumputer; Classical computing; Automatic data processing machine; Modern computer
(электронно-)вычислительная машина, ЭВМ; компьютер
- commercial computer
- desk computer
- digital computer
- general computer
- high-speed computer
- multipurpose computer
- process control computer
- scientific computer
- special purpose computer
  • Sir William Thomson]]'s third tide-predicting machine design, 1879–81
  • 算盘}}). The number represented on this [[abacus]] is 6,302,715,408.
  • alt=Two women are seen by the Colossus computer.
  • Video demonstrating the standard components of a "slimline" computer
  • [[Cray]] designed many supercomputers that used multiprocessing heavily.
  • Babbage's]] [[Difference engine]]
  • [[ENIAC]] was the first electronic, Turing-complete device, and performed ballistics trajectory calculations for the [[United States Army]].
  • The actual first computer bug, a moth found trapped on a relay of the [[Harvard Mark II]] computer
  • A 1970s [[punched card]] containing one line from a [[Fortran]] program. The card reads: "Z(1) = Y + W(1)" and is labeled "PROJ039" for identification purposes.
  • [[Hard disk drive]]s are common storage devices used with computers.
  • routes]] on the Internet
  • gate]] (G), body (B), source (S) and drain (D) terminals. The gate is separated from the body by an insulating layer (pink).
  • memory cells]]).
  • Diagram showing how a particular [[MIPS architecture]] instruction would be decoded by the control system
  • The [[Antikythera mechanism]], dating back to [[ancient Greece]] circa 150&ndash;100 BC, is an early [[analog computing]] device.
  • The [[Ishango bone]], a [[bone tool]] dating back to [[prehistoric Africa]]
  • Museum of Science and Industry]] in Manchester, England
  • A section of the reconstructed [[Manchester Baby]], the first electronic [[stored-program computer]]
  • A [[slide rule]]
  • [[Bipolar junction transistor]] (BJT)
  • alt=A human computer.
  • Z3]], the first fully automatic, digital (electromechanical) computer
Computer system; General purpose computer; Digital computer; Computers; Computor; Computing device; Electronic computers; Computer Systems; Electronic computer; Computar; Digital computers; Electronic computing; Discrete computer; Computer systems; Computer System; Copmuter; Digital computing; General-purpose computer; General Purpose Computer; Kinds of computers; COMPUTER; Camputer; Computing Machines; Computing machines; Computing machine; Uses of computer; Second-generation of computers; The computer; Second generation of computers; Cumputer; Classical computing; Automatic data processing machine; Modern computer
электронная вычислительная машина, ЭВМ, компьютер - communication computer
- cryptographic computer
- cryptographically protected computer
- dial-up personal computer
- multiple access computer
- personal computer
- trusted computer


КЛАВИАТ'УРА, клавиатуры, ·муж. (·итал. claviatura) (спец.). Полный ряд клавишей в клавишных музыкальных инструментах (муз.).
| Совокупность клавишей в разного рода механизмах. Клавиатура пишущей машинки.


Computing Today

Computing Today was a computer magazine published by Argus Specialist Publications, it was printed in the UK from the late 1970s to the mid-1980s. It began life as a supplement to Electronics Today International for four issues and became an independent publication in March 1979. Some time after 1982 it bought out rival computing magazine Microcomputer Printout (formerly Printout) and the two magazines merged into one. The magazine ceased publication in September 1985.

It gave computer hardware and software reviews, programming tutorials and program listings for many of the popular home computers of the time. UK subscription cost 10 pounds 50 pence including postage circa 1981.

Examples of use of computer printout
1. It appeared the man was following a computer printout describing the crime in detail that was found at the scene, Buggs said.
2. Today, computer printout in hand, he is trudging from house to house, seeking to explain to potential Hillary Clinton supporters a process that seems nearly as arcane: how to participate in the Iowa caucuses.
3. While several of these programs, such as veterans health care and National Institutes of Health funding, are slated for increases in the budget Bush submitted to Congress this week, they actually would be cut through the end of the decade, a 673–page computer printout that details spending levels for each of the next five years for every federal program shows.
4. The lawyers also want the judge to exclude a computer printout cataloguing the evidence found on Karr‘s hard drive and to invalidate the search warrant that led to the confiscation of the computer, saying investigators were relying on information from a confidential informant who was mentally ill and unreliable.
What is the Russian for computer printout? Translation of &#39computer printout&#39 to Russian